Monday, 19 September 2011



Being confident means that you do not give up when things stop going the way you wanted them to. It also means that you know that you have the ability to do something and if you are s confident employee you will most likely set yourself challenges that will improve your work. Employers of the IT industry value confidence in a member of staff because if they are confident their work will most likely be good and they will not fear away from unfamiliar tasks that need to be done.

Self motivation 

One of the most important skills to have in when working it the IT industry is self motivation as all the technology is being updated daily therefore it is important to keep your own personal stills level up to date for example web designer needs to keep their skills up to date with new software that becomes a available on the market to help create website as well as new features added to old software client may what their website created with a particular software that the designer will be required to have knowledge in using. Self motivation is also very important in the IT industry because even though a lot of team work occurs, many staff members are expected to work independently without continually making them motivated even if they find themselves being bored with a particular project. 


It is important to work independently as you can’t keep asking people question’s as this is unprofessional and shows a lack in your own abilities. When working independently you has fewer distractions also your task may be more secure as nobody else can make changes and mistakes in your work. When working independently it shows the management team you can cope with the job in hand and get on tasks done with minimum supervision. While working independently you may develop new skills and confidence that will be an asset t yourself and the company you will also feel a sense of ownership in your work and be proud of the accomplishment you made.


It is important to have good leadership skills because if you are in a position to lead a team you could be the driving force in the team’s success or failure. Leadership skills are important because the person who leads a team must be able to guide them in the right direction, keep them motivated and the moral high even when things are not going as well as planned a not all members of staff will have leadership skills, often it is a unique still within a person and due to the pressures in the IT industry to meet specific deadlines, solve difficult problem’s and come up with innovate ideas being in a leadership role will be very challenging to that individual you most not only know the in and outs of a particular project but also know your staff and have a knowledge of each person strengths and weakness so you can strategically assign tasks. 


 Creativity involves a person coming up with idea’s that would attract other people’s attention. Also creativity is important in the design process within the IT industry it also shows originality. Employees within IT also need to show creativity in other roles, in order to solve problems they must find creative solutions.
Being creative is important for people like a web designer as they need to make a website attractive and appealing to variety of audiences including their clients and all customers who use the website. Also creativity is important for a games developer because they need to come up with new idea’s in the gaming industry because of the popularity of gaming now a days competition is fierce the idea must be creative and so must the complete functionality of the game being produced.

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