Tuesday 20 September 2011

General Skills


In the IT industry it is good for employee’s to plan their tasks before starting a task so that they can keep on time with the tasks on hand and make sure they have all the resources the need in order to complete the task. Also planning will help a person to meet task deadlines e.g. A web designer plans their website before creating it so that they know what is going into this site so that they don’t waste time making up the website as they go along if they did carryout the task this way it would most likely not meet the clients requirements.

Communication Skill
In the IT industry communication is important as people in the industry need to be able to speak to customers and other members of staff who come from a non technical background and not aware of the different IT jargon terms that is used to diagnose and discuss problems among people who have knowledge they usually will need to use high-tech language when they are discussing problem’s among themselves. Every job within the IT industry requires good communication skills not only verbal communication, written forms communication is vital because of the large amount of document that is required in the industry. A staff member may have to produce a technical document that will be viewed by people from a technical background and a non technical background; it can be very difficult to produce a document that is presentable and understandable by bother parties. Because coding plays such a huge part in the IT industry it is important that form of communication is understood by other members of staff in that department, for example if you have started to program a system which is due by the end of the week and you fall sick a work colleague will have to step up in and finish the coding so they must understand what you have written in order to get the project completed to meet the deadline.


 In the IT industry it is important for employee’s to name their files and folders with appropriate names so that they are easy to find later with when needed. Naming files and folders appropriately means that their work will most likely not get lost. Good file keeping saves people time when going to look for work as they know the name of the folder that they saved it in and the name of the document where the information is being held because a lot of organisations work from a shared drive it is vital it the IT industry that files and folders are organised for all staff t access.
In the IT industry people have meeting’s with different companies and organisation's therefore they need to have their diary/calendar organised so they don’t double book meeting an agreed meeting day as it would create a bad image in the clients eye’s if they can’t get to a meeting in time then they not turn up at work in time then how would them possibly get the work I need done on time.
Organisation skills sometimes involves people prioritising their work load this means making a list of the different tasks that need to be completed starting with the important task first.       
Team Working

In the world work in particular the IT industry you need to have good team skills as within this industry you job could involve you being in a group to come up with idea’s to a solve problem that occur e.g. If the system cash then your team must first come up idea’s for the staff to continue their work without use the system. Then you must come up a solution to fix the system within a certain amount of time. Team work involves people inputting their ideas in to the group, also everyone must have equal share of the task ‘There is no I in team’.

Here is a link to take you back to the Attributes vaules by empolyers

Here is an link below to bring you back to Principels of Effective Communication

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